Pablo Tisker from San Francisco, California No feeling, no heart, no graciousness shown to the crowd whatsoever.and MAYBE 2 songs that we actually recognized. WHY the Sound of Music? Why? Why the distracting dancers and opera "guest star"? And why the horrible lights that were directed at the audience? I cannot believe that such a class act (Bocelli), has succumbed to the level of basically a pop-up concert machine. I agree with the negative was so overhyped, with very little substance. He left the stage every five minutes, and his concert was filled in with cheesy people we did NOT pay to see.

Two tickets were gifted to us from our daughter for Christmas - and I feel so bad that she spent so much money and it was a complete and total waste! I expected SO MUCH MORE from him! He never addressed the audience - ever - and he did not even sing any of the songs that we know and love. I have never looked forward to something as much as I was looking forward to this concert. Treat a crowd the way you would treat family, Bocelli! NEVER AGAIN! Bocelli is nothing w/out David Foster on the stage, they underestimated the need for this, & Bocelli's team needs to correct him. Bocelli never even thanked the orchestra or the conductor who helped him and no intro to the performers.
#Andrea bocelli i am in heaven how to#
Clearly, Bocelli's current wife knows how to make him look warm with the videos created that surround his family and that's where it ends. Bocelli's voice will never sound the same again, after being chilled by his cold-hearted performance. This after singing stereotypical Italian songs for almost the entire show and hardly any of his hits or new songs from his newly released album. The crowd will not be greeted or thanked (we should be so honored to watch him) however, Bocelli will speak to the crowd to promote his son. I booked Andrea Bocelli's tickets over 6 months in advance as a surprise to my husband and wasted the few grand spent (no Pavarotti). LISTEN TO ANDREA BOCELLI'S CDS-SAVE YOUR $$